Saturday, March 17, 2012

Tsk... Tsk... On The Hypocrisy Horse

I have an Oxford dictionary that defines Hypocrisy for me.

Here it is

"Hypocrisy-NOUN Falsely pretending to be virtuous; insincerity"

Now I'm no better than anyone else, and we can all be guilty of being a hypocrite at times. This cartoon I sketched captures a piece of that hypocrisy in the laws we've passed and continue to ignore. Now I'm not going to get all righteous on you, lol. I promise! So here is my cartoon sketch poking fun at the hypocritical laws and the people who enforce them.

I'm going to include a description and even quotes because of the shitty image quality. I promise after my move I'm going to outfit my office with a new scanner and a program to color and do it up nice for you. Hope you enjoy, even without all the necessary equipment needed to bring you the highest quality product.

I did this with some pencils and a ball point pen. hahaha #AMATEUR

Below we have a young person rocking a livestrong shirt. He's obviously been busted for possessing marijuana.

Coppa: Smoking marijuana....tsk! Do you realize how unhealthy that stuff is?!?!

Man realizing that this cop is A) Fat and out of shape B) His life is ruined for having marijuana on... He starts to think to himself : I should have just ran....

Then the Coppa's talkie speaks: Sarg! You coming out for beers later?

My Friends,

We live in a world where the danger posed from smoking marijuana is dangerous only because of the penalty that it carries. This is absurd. Here we have a young man who is not only healthy but capable of being a great human being even though he smokes. The Cop is also a good person. But I want his appearance to raise two questions...

1) Can over eating be more dangerous than smoking marijuana? The answer is Yes. No one has died ever from marijuana use. How many people die each day due to obesity and illness related to obesity? Again, I'm not knocking down anyone who's over weight. I'm just saying... if you can trust people to be responsible with cheeseburgers you can trust people to be responsible with marijuana.

2) I'm hoping you noticed the hypocrisy of the Coppa when the walkie talkie speaks.. Just because a person chooses marijuana over alcohol doesn't make them stupid or reckless or even a criminal! It can be used recreationaly just like alcohol. Except there's a huge difference. A man doesn't smoke a joint and go home and beat the tar out of his wife and kids and he certainly wont die from over smoking..It's a million times safer than alchohol and if marijuana was readily available some of our friends and family that we've lost to alcohol might still be alive.

That is all I wanted to say.

One love and Good Vibrations my Friends!!

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