Super shout out to @anthonybachman for the inspiration! |
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Holy MOLY! Mr. Fantastic has let himself go!!!
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
My first ever interview with my great buddy @ninpf!!
I had the chance to interview my
good friend Patrick Mileham who is a comic fan that is doing some real
awesome stuff over at and laying down some of the best
tweets on Twitter!
Sat, Jul
28, 2012 at 12:51 PM
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Favorite quote
"The purpose of Rastafari is to change your inner being to the core, thus we say slave no more since God came knocking at our door." -Bobo Rastafari
Sunday, June 17, 2012
My Ridiculous Dream
Starring: @ReadComicbooks @Jaybwebb @JosephGreene01 and a suprised guest to be named later..
So there we were.. frantically diving in and out of every LCS in the city looking for the elusive DB Cooper #13 that was to be the least printed comic in history..
Our search led us to a Vocational Tech college that had a book store for educating the buisness students..
After begging and pleading from RCB the pretty cashier agreed to sell us the last 5 comics and for only $3! These comics were worth a fortune, but that's not why we were after them.. we were after the comic to complete our collection.
So we had our comics and were walking back to my house and we came across a cigar shop that was going out of buisness..
ReadComicbooks and I knew the deals to be had so we entered the store and bought everyone a Yardgar stick and then forced Joseph to smoke it with us. The 6'5 Jayb smoked his cigar in record time and turns out Joe liked cigars after all..
So we finally arrived at my home to find it completely empty.. " where's my family?"
Joe pointed outside my large window to the mob of zombies coming our way!
We ran upstairs to my gun cabinet and I started to hand out guns and ammo..
We went back downstairs to find the zombies in the house.. and we started blasting them.. one by one until we were completely out of ammo.. all hope was lost and the end was near until...
@elrevel kicked the door open rockin one of Rob Liefeld's massive gun's with two holes in the same barrel. He started spraying bullets through walls and was very proficient at killing every zombie in the house! "Thought you boys could use some help.."
Needless to say, we were all stunned and extremely grateful.. he walked us back out into the living room while he was explaining the details of the apocalypse..
@BrianChurilla could be seen outside setting the zombies on fire with his flamethrower.. just setting a sea of those bitches on fire.. and whats this? He must have stopped at the same cigar store because he was smoking the same cigar that we bought...
I woke up.
Completely ridiculous, yet awesome!
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Interview With A Side of Stereotypes
Kids do seem a bit entitled these days don't they? And always seem to have a chip on the shoulder..
Sunday, April 29, 2012
All Things Must Change
From now on I'm just going to blog when I can even if it's only a couple sentences here or there... I really appreciate my readers and don't want to lose anyone.
So expect more photo's and rants... Just for now, until after I have finished moving and my office is set up.. Then some pretty awesome things will be heading your way.
Thanks again and with a tremendous amount of love I say,
See you next time and bright days lay ahead!
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Guerillas Volume Two give away
If you've been following me for awhile you know how I feel about Guerillas. It is my favorite comic book ever.
I probably couldn't explain to you how much I loved volume 1 ... maybe it's the war.. maybe it's the Guerillas... But the book really means a lot to me and has helped me overcome some of my own struggles after I was discharged..
So I started a fan account for Goliath...
I started it because I searched to see if someone had already started a fan account for him and to my bewilderment.. there wasn't...
So I thought... Maybe its a good thing one hasn't been made yet.. maybe there isn't a fan alive that can do a better job than I could? ... and so I decided to do it.
I love Guerillas and could talk about them or how awesome Brahm Revel is all day long...
ands so could my brothers and sisters in The Guerilla Army!
Now, Goliath doesn't have the thousands of followers he deserves so I came up with a plan to hopefully offer enough incentive to not only follow @TheRealGoliath_ but to check out Guerillas 1 before the second volume drops in July!
I decided to make a game of it... Starting right now the competition is open. The person with the most points will not only win Guerillas Volume 2 , but a couple other prizes that I'll come up with along the way. Here is how you score points...
Follow @TheRealGoliath_ no points will be awarded if you're not following Goliath!
Tweet Goliath a #HootHoot for 1 point!
Anytime you include #Guerillas #HootHoot in any tweet, to anybody, you get 1 point
If you give Goliath a #FF tweet you'll get 3 points! Must be a single #FF for only Goliath
Refer a follower for 5 points! Tell him/her to tweet Goliath and mention you..don't forget to
Tweeting fan art to #Goliath will also give you 7 points!
Follow @elrevel ( Brahm Revel ) the creator , and get 10 points!
Last but not least... if you do a blog post about your love for Guerillas you get 15 points!!!
The final whistle will be blown on 7/4/12
I'll post the top dogs and their points every month so you know what you have to do to win..
I am trying to come up with two runner up prizes..
Thank you for helping me support my favorite Creator and Comic! Together we can do huge things.. #HootHoot
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
A Pleasant Review of Dragonstorm #1
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
"Look, an illegal Alien!!"
I never understood how one human being can look at another and call him/her illegal. Doesn't matter if that person works, is 90, or is even 1 day old. I hear people being called illegal. I can't believe they mean it..Because if they really believed it to be true, then this scenario would be ok too I guess.. Let's say the Aliens invaded, conquered, and then set up shop. Then in 50 years they tell us to get the hell out because we don't belong. Is that fair? Would WE be illegal? I don't think so.
Don't Forget To Smile!!
Monday, March 19, 2012
Saturday, March 17, 2012
A Pleasant Review! Howard Lovecraft-and the-Undersea Kingdom
It's really a beautiful book and when I let my daughter read it she also commented on the art 5 pages in. Her words were " This is so cool!!" She was excited because she too could see the adventure in the art. The panels flowed nicely and like I said earlier the colors were deep and complex.
Tsk... Tsk... On The Hypocrisy Horse
Here it is
"Hypocrisy-NOUN Falsely pretending to be virtuous; insincerity"
Now I'm no better than anyone else, and we can all be guilty of being a hypocrite at times. This cartoon I sketched captures a piece of that hypocrisy in the laws we've passed and continue to ignore. Now I'm not going to get all righteous on you, lol. I promise! So here is my cartoon sketch poking fun at the hypocritical laws and the people who enforce them.
I'm going to include a description and even quotes because of the shitty image quality. I promise after my move I'm going to outfit my office with a new scanner and a program to color and do it up nice for you. Hope you enjoy, even without all the necessary equipment needed to bring you the highest quality product.
I did this with some pencils and a ball point pen. hahaha #AMATEUR
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
The Heroes ( The Creators and The LCS )
We all have them, a personal hero, maybe a favorite athlete, a teacher who inspired you, maybe it's your mom-maybe it's your dad. Maybe, those aren't the heroes I'm talking about. O_o .... COMIC BOOK HEROES!
No, not the superheroes-- the Creators and the LCS!
That's who gets this blog post...The Creators and The Comic Shop Owners!
I've had the pleasure of reading some really great stuff the past couple weeks. -Smiles- Comics, I love em and I know you do too! We cannot live without them. They have been there for some of us since we were children. Through every cruel girlfriend or boyfriend, through all the criticisms, the highs,and the lows. Come to think of it, pretty much through just about everything our comics have been there when we needed them.
Sometimes we put them away for years or sometimes months...only to find them there waiting for us when we return. Glossy cover...detailed pages.... all ready to catch us and swoop us away to wherever the hell we want to go. A comic is a very magical and sacred object to us. Yeah, to some they might just be jumbled of words and pictures, but we know comics are so much more!
I don't thank DC and or Marvel for these things...I don't thank them for providing me with hours of comic enjoyment...I thank the creators and the shop owners. The shop owners who till the soil and lay down strong roots in neighborhoods... Cultivating the fans which in this case are the water that feeds the tree. A tree that will eventually produce a hefty bounty of sweet comic produce <---That's the Creators. The LCS and Creators of comics deserve the royal treatment from us fans. They are the real heroes of our world. They are the superstars! In my eyes, when I get a RT from my favorite creator it might have well been from Tom Brady. Except Brahm Revel's RT is worth a shit load more tome than a RT from Tom Brady. I love football, but I love comics way more. This is how it should be. We should embrace our heroes and spread their good name so we can see more of what they can do.
But we need to be real with ourselves..we cant have it all for nothing. We cant promote our favorites and support Creator Owned books and expect to pay nearly nothing for them. Unfortunately money rules the world and it can dictate or control the people involved. We are all just trying to survive. And it's the LCS and The Creators that risk the most and unfortunately... the payoff isn't always there for them.
How much risk is there involved when a man or woman decides to stand up and say,"You know what...I'm going to pursue my dream because this is all I want to do." ? Answer= A ton! I bet such a decision comes with a ton of scrutiny for the would be creator or the would be shop owner. Example A: " Selling wha??? Comics??? For a living?" or Example B:" Your spending your time making a wha??? A comic book? I thought you grew out of that?" all very sad and mean responses that I bet happen all too often when the Creator or LCS decide to pursue their dream. The skepticism is not only real but it merits a tiny bit of truth. The odds are so heavily stacked against these heroic people... These people who are more than fans... The people who are the roots and fruit of the comic industry. I bet each person that dared to make their dream a reality can admit to receiving some pretty harsh criticisms... even from the closest relatives. It's time us fans acknowledge the risks and take more risks ourselves by buying more creator owned comics and by investing in the growth of this section of the comic industry.
Perspective! No one creates comics or opens up a comic shop to be super rich. Sure, some people may have that particular motive, and sure to some it can be the sole reason to embark on such an endeavor , but I can guarantee those few have already closed there doors or decided to give up. The Creators and or shop owners that do it out of love will always tell you it was never really about the money. . Just another reason why they are heroes! I can only hope that my children will have something that can inspire the same sort of courage and passion that these men and women possess.
I'm sure the ups and down are epic for the creator and Shop Owner...And yet they persevere...Just like our favorite super heroes on the pages of our beloved comics!
The Creators and Licensed Comic Shops are like our parents in this comic universe. We reap the benefits of all their sacrifice and hard work. Very rarely will these creators be recognized for the amount of talent that they pour into panel after panel...and better yet, never will the brick and mortar shop get the credit that it deserves as the rock of the industry. Oh how I dream of a world where shops begin to pop up left and right, all across the United States
It's time the fans get together and brainstorm ways to help the comic industry grow. Maybe somehow we can alleviate some of the burden and or risks associated with opening a comic shop or creating a comic.
Brainstorming and feedback are the tools to success!
So to close this I want to be the first one to share an idea. Proof that it doesn't matter how ridiculous or improbable the idea may be, all that matters is that we have our eyes open for new ways to help nourish the comic tree. Not just because times are tough...but because of principle! We love comics and the people who sacrifice so mush to bring them to us and create them for us should be taken care of by us. I'd like to see the money go directly to these heroes,opposed to just giving my money to the "Boss" who bathes in money.
So here is my idea and pitch
Imagine if the payoff was there at the end of selling your own creator owned book while promoting the LCS.. Imagine an extra incentive to make a book that would not only provide a cash prize but a year long promotion of your name and work.
The creators need to have their names put out there so that recognition may come to it. They are fighting Goliath in that respect. So it led me to thinking some more..( don't worry I'll stop thinking soon before I hurt myself..) How do we bring in new and old blood alike into an LCS while promoting Creators?
I'm not naive enough to think that this question hasn't been asked or that my tiny brain could come up with the answer, I just know it's a huge question that needs answering. It needs ideas... So without further delay here is my idea for that very question.
Again these are just open thoughts
- Every Comic fan pays a one time fee for the right to vote in this tournament.
- Any single creator or team of creators can compose a series
- Creators enter for free but give the LCS a deal on the books
- I think it'd be fair to charge a bit more for these books
- The fan then goes to the LCS buys the book and takes home a rating card that is dropped back off at their local LCS before a deadline
- This goes on for some time
- There is a preliminary tally to set up a tournament tree
- Then the last couple books in each series all released on the same day to face off, single elimination style
- Eventually it's the last two books..the winner gets a trophy, even more name recognition and a monetary prize
Friday, March 9, 2012
A Pleasant Review! Clay County
You all know I stay away from negative comments about this or that, but this book was so well done that I feel I must come out and admit that there was not one thing I did not like. Something that has happened only a few times! So in the future, unless I mention that there wasn't a single thing that I didn't like, it's safe to assume that there was something that I did not like. Not something strong enough to make me not like or recommend the book though, because as you know, if I don't like a book I wont review it. End of story. Life is just too damn short to be writing about things you don't like...or read about things other people don't like!
I'm reading the first couple pages and the characters really came to life. The characters, their traits, and the dialogue sucked me in and would not let me go until I reached the back cover. I want to say everything about this book was remarkable and just leave it at that, but I'm trying to be exact for the sole purpose that this is supposed to be a review.
The dialogue would have to be the tip of the spear for me. The conversations were not only entertaining but hysterically funny. If you can even imagine a takeover of planet earth by aliens, who are now occupying us for a resource, and imposing a form of tyranny over the people during this process, you will easily understand the gravity of the situation presented. An extremely heavy situation that you'll find made extremely light by these incredibly funny characters. These guys are not only funny in each character's own way, but fun to laugh at. They seem very real at times and will probably remind you of someone you know or maybe even yourself. These guys had me laughing out loud more than once and left a smile on my face in between. So as with any great story, it was the characters that took me away from here and brought me to Clay County. For which I am very grateful. A+++
This story I would describe as a sci-fi comedy. To take it another step further, I would say it is the funniest sci-fi comedy I've read to date! Which is crazy because, I'm going to be honest, I wasn't really expecting that after a glance at the cover. To be fair though, I could never have expected to know how funny this book was going to be. As I started reading, I started laughing. Really! I also kept having the same thought reoccur in the back of my mind every once in awhile.. This would make an awesome movie..To me that's really the highest praise I can give a book. A praise that states more than what was written. Meaning, I loved Clay County so much that the book, while being perfect ( Yes, I said perfect!), wasn't enough for me. I hope to experience the same story in another way and more than once! This book is fun, funny, entertaining, creative, witty, and a must read. I think anyone who reads Clay County will agree with me entirely
You know I always stay away from describing too much about the plot of a book because I think I could never do it justice that way. That's regardless of a book I liked or didn't like. I just don't believe in it and I will keep the oath I made to myself before I started doing reviews. I'm not going to summarize a story..No way! But for the first time I have this itch in my mind that wants to tell you all these hilarious moments and quotes.. to tell you about this or that...but if you enjoyed something as much as I did this book, you would be resigned to say what I'm about to say to you now..You are just going to have to see for yourself.
But I will try and convince you that this is worthwhile in other ways..
If I gave stars as ratings this would surely get a 5 and even though I've read the book digitally, I feel like that's not enough for me. I want to and will own this book! I will read it probably 3 or 4 more times and the collector in me will probably buy two copies, just so I have an unread copy in 'new' condition and hopefully that copy will be signed one day. I have another little tidbit that may help explain just how much I enjoyed this book.. when I do get my hands on a printed version of Clay County, it's going on my top shelf next to my 9 other favorite graphic novels. Seriously!No joking! No exaggeration!
I would recommend Clay County to anyone who asks. I will probably even buy a couple this upcoming Christmas to give away as gifts... Why am I telling you this? Well, I'm hoping it shows not only how much I loved this book, but how confident I am that anyone who reads it will thoroughly enjoy it and be grateful for to having read it. It takes you away my Clay County!
These are high praises and rightfully so! This book deserves every single one of them.
After you've read this book please drop me a line and share your thoughts. I'm excited to see your reactions to this extremely funny book named Clay County! So HERE is the link to Clay County on's only ten bucks!
I'm never paid for writing these reviews, I do it strictly out of love for comics. Also, I have not and will never sign up for any kickback from amazon or any other site. Just so you know that I'm not sending you to a link for my own gain. Never will I be that guy!
So until next time my friends, Smile!
- Art was as fun as the story itself, the two meshed like peanut butter and jelly
- Characters had life to them!
- Reactions and dialogue force literal Laugh Out Louds
- Hilarious... I wonder if their will be a movie or animated series in the future?..I hope so
- Great gift for other comic lovers
- Very cinematic! The panels were spot on
- Story was flawless throughout- no loose ends
- Must own and must read
- Find more stories by these guys
- Really cool cover
- Flawless...if I gave ratings it'd be 5 freakin stars
- This book easily finds a place in my top ten graphic novels all time